April 5

Bolognese Ground Beef – 132 Calories

By Christel De Klerk

April 5, 2021

Dairy-Free, Gluten-Free, Low-Carb, Nut-Free, Under 300 Cals

I love to cook a decent batch of this to give me at least 3 servings, then it's ready and I can just heat it up whenever I'm hungry. This recipe goes so well with my lotato mash!

My serving size is usually 100 grams, coming in at 132 calories. You need to weigh every batch you make to be completely accurate though because meat can sometimes have water in it that skews the calories. I'll show you how to calculate it below.


500g Premium Ground Beef

1 tin of tomatoes

All purpose seasoning (to taste) 

Salt and pepper to taste


Add your ground beef to a large pan on medium heat and start to break it up with your spoon or spatula.

Add the tin of tomatoes and your preferred seasoning and mix well.

Stirring occasionally cook until most liquid is cooked away.

Remove and store in an airtight container.

849 calories for the whole batch.

How to weigh for an accurate calorie count:

First, weigh your raw beef. According to CalorieKing, Premium ground beef has 152 calories per 100 grams.

This creates a factor of 1.52 calories per 100grams.

I weighed 500g of raw beef, so that's 1.52 x 500g = 760 calories.

Plus the tin of tomatoes (which weighed 467grams) which has 19 calories per 100g so that came to

.19 x 467grams = 89 calories.

760 cals plus 89 cals = 849 calories for the whole batch.

Once my beef was cooked the weight came to 645grams for the whole batch.

849 calories divided by 645 grams = 1.32.

This is the factor you use to calculate the calories for your serving. So if I served 100 grams of my Bolognese, I would multiply 100 by 1.32 giving me 132 calories per serve. 

About the author

Hi! I’m Christel De Klerk. I am an IFBB Bikini Athlete. This is my journey to taking control back over my body from a severe autoimmune disease, Ulcerative Colitis, and achieving the best I can in this sport. I hope you come along for the ride!

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